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Georgie Smith HOME creates occasions that cater to all the senses. If you are a foodie who wants to enjoy restaurant deliciousness in an ambient setting at home or in nature, I hope you will journey with me in creating inspired memories that add meaning to our lives.


Georgie's HOME Blog

Sharing ideas, inspirations and recipes that add deliciousness to life is what I'm all about. Be sure to stay tuned to my blog and stay up to date on the latest from Georgie.

Making lemonade out of lemons

Georgie Smith

With spring upon is, its time to seize the moment, gather what's in season and invite friends over now. Don't wait until the garden is in bloom or the house is looking better. Do it now. The impromptu occasion is the best kind of soiree. 


Festive Spirit

Georgie Smith


This is the season to squeeze every little bit of joy out of every day. It can be overwhelmingly busy if we try and do it all. Or we can just do what we can and not make it about being as happy and as perfect as possible. But rather making it true to the season -- full of giving and gratitude and the good cheer will flow. 

In my holiday season webisode I cover the spectrum of experiences over the season -- from holiday parties and canapés, to finding a tree in the wild, to creating repurposed tree trimming, Christmas eve dinner, a Christmas day feast and family frolics. Please enjoy!

Giving Thanks

Georgie Smith

As we give thanks this year, it is important to remember that our attitude towards creating this special day, should be as joyous as we hope our guests will receive our feast. In this webisode my guests enjoy a fall feast in the forest and dance and celebrate in a ridiculously joyous fashion. I was perhaps the most ridiculous of them all.
